A simple message
In the right environment we believe everyone is capable of greatness, whether that is rising up to the next level of development, achieving personal goals and targets or even going on to become seriously successful in your chosen area - it is all the same.
Being a winner is not about achievements and accolades - it's about never giving up and always striving to challenge and improve yourself - on the sporting field and way beyond. These are not lessons for the moment, these are lessons for life.

What is Tag Rugby?
Tag rugby is a fast-paced, non-contact variation of the traditional rugby game that focuses on teamwork, fitness, and skill development. It's a fantastic introduction to the sport, perfect for boys and girls of all ages and abilities. Instead of tackling, players wear Velcro tags attached to their waists. Opponents must pull off these tags to stop the player with the ball, simulating a tackle without any physical contact. This promotes a safe and enjoyable playing experience while still emphasizing the essential elements of rugby.
Our Tag Rugby Clubs
At our clubs we don't just turn up and blow a whistle. We nurture and develop fundamental rugby skills which crossover with nearly every other sport. Through our clubs we have not only identified talented players who have gone on to play the full contact version at a high level, we have also observed a universally positive effect on the ethics, morals and life skills of each player.
Playing rugby promotes a variety of values that are seen rarelyrarely in other sports like football and Tag Rugby is the perfect gateway and introduction to the wider Rugby community.